Tinicum Township
Delaware County, Pennsylvania

97 Wanamaker Avenue
Essington, PA 19029

Zoning Hearing Information
Public Participation Information
1. You may join the meeting at 6:45 PM, you will remain in the waiting room until the meeting is about to start.
2. Once you enter the meeting, your microphone will be muted. You will be able to unmute yourself only during the public participation portion of the meeting. If you wish to speak during public participation, you may click on the “raise your hand”
button on your zoom screen. You will be acknowledged in order and unmuted by the host.
3. Only the meeting host will be able to share his screen to present documents and exhibits.
4. Please keep all background noise to a minimum if you are speaking during public participation.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Tom Wolf’s Declaration of a State of Emergency for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the building that the Township uses for its meetings cannot accommodate meetings of this size, and as such the meeting is open to the public via Zoom conference meeting only (instructions included below), in accordance with Pennsylvania Law, 2020 Pa. Legis. Serv. Act 2020-15 (S.B. 841).