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Parks & Recreation
 Governor Printz Park Permit Application & Regulations Rules
  Ordinance - 2019-905
 Park Permit
Park Permit for Organizations 


The Tinicum Township Department of Parks and Recreation is dedicated to serving the citizens within our region and providing open space and protecting our natural resources.

The John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge is a 200 acre National Wildlife Refuge spanning Philadelphia and Delaware counties in Pennsylvania. Located in Tinicum Township, the refuge is adjacent to the Philadelphia International Airport. Established in 1972 as the Tinicum National Environmental Center, it was renamed in 1991 after the late H. John Heinz III who had helped preserve Tinicum Marsh.

The refuge serves to protect the largest remaining freshwater tidal marsh in Pennsylvania; approximately 200 acres. When land acquisition is complete, the refuge will consist of 1200 acres of varied habitats.

The John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge



Tinicum Township                                                                   
97 Wanamaker Avenue

Essington, PA 19029
Phone: 610-521-3530
Fax: 610-521-3392



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